Hungarian recurve bow BOTOND

BOTOND – Hungarian traditional recurve bow

Price: 159 EUR

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This bow has relatively linear arms which means bigger initial velocity of the arrow. Similar to Levente bow but with longer draw length. It has forward arched horns.
It has longer arms, ideal also for bigger men.

This traditional recurve bow is combination of glass fiber, wood and leather. The most popular recurve bows are the Hungarian models. They are produced in different sizes and colours, so the required draw weight and colour should be indicated in case of order.

Average weight : 806 g

Lenght of string : 139 cm =55″

Length strung: 153 cm = 60″

Length unstrung: 156 cm =61,5″

Draw weight: 25-55# /30″

Max draw length: 33″

You can choose the draw weight and the colour of leather and binding of your traditional recurve bow!

Available colours are: black, dark brown, brown, light brown, beige, red, deep red.

We  undertake 1 year guarantee for this traditional recurve bow

Hungarian traditional recurve bow
Hungarian traditional recurve bow